Heather- Thank you. He is serious here, isn't he? I think he is just tired, but babies have really great facial expressions that I don't think are often photographed.
They are BOTH sooooooooo beautiful!!!! Weston's changing, in just a couple weeks. I see his hair is growing too. Really, both are so photogenic! Love it! mom
That's one VERY serious-looking little boy! He's soooo cute! Momma looks very happy, to counter his seriousness.
ReplyDeleteOmigosh! He's so intense! Stunning portrait, beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteHeather- Thank you. He is serious here, isn't he? I think he is just tired, but babies have really great facial expressions that I don't think are often photographed.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jain!
They are BOTH sooooooooo beautiful!!!! Weston's changing, in just a couple weeks. I see his hair is growing too. Really, both are so photogenic! Love it!
Beautiful picture.
ReplyDeleteTom: Oh my, that is one serious look. It is a great shot.
ReplyDeleteBTW: Check out the young buck that came into my yard.
Both are beauties...or should I say one is a beauty and the other handsome...or going to be for sure. Right now he is just so adorable.
ReplyDeleteJust. perfect.