Saturday, December 6, 2008

My World Maine Winter

Otisfield, Maine, November 29th, 2008.

Megan and I are traveling to Maine so regularly, I feel like it starting to become "My World."


  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!
    I love this photo!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Spectacular photo!! I just love it.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Excellent photo! Maine is beautiful.

  4. postcard perfect photo! thanks for sharing

  5. Bee-you-tee-ful. See you next week.

  6. What a beautiful scenery! so different from our blue skied winter here in Niger!

    Greetings from West Africa,

  7. And a lovely world it is! Just write "Merry Christmas" on this and you have your Christmas cards for this's a great photo!

  8. OMG. This is perfectly beautiful. You should frame this and display it in living room.

  9. Brrrreautiful. I'd rather look at that white stuff from online than be wet and cold. Beautiful capture.

  10. And who can blame you? I would not mind adopting it myself. Lovely shot.

  11. Tom: Where you travel is part of your world and what you see. That is a neat capture.

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